
Thursday, October 1, 2015

Oregon: active shooter on campus

Oct 1, 2015

As I write this, the news is aflame with the story of yet another mass shooting on a college campus.  The gun-grabbers wasted no time taking advantage of a crisis; within minutes, they were tweeting about the need for "common sense gun laws".  Indeed.  If we really had "common sense gun laws", there would have been several veterans on that campus with concealed handguns, and we would now be talking about 2 or 3 dead instead of 13.

Oregon already has laws against guns on campus, and the shooter was not eligible to possess a handgun, so what laws exactly do the "Moms" think would have prevented this crime?  The operative word here is "think", as their screed is just the usual knee-jerk reaction to any gun crime.

The real crime here, is called "gun-free zone".  John Lott, an economist with the Crime Prevention Research Center, has demonstrated that, since 1950, every mass shooting in America that took more than 3 lives (with one exception) has been committed in a gun free zone (schools, movie theaters, etc.).  This is just one more predictable example.  As I tell my classes, these people are crazy, but they are not stupid!

In 2012, one of those crazies, James Holmes, went into a movie theater in Aurora, CO, and killed 12 people.  He lived just a block from another theater, but it was NOT posted as off limits to guns.  Being not stupid, he went over a mile to the Century 16 theater, which WAS posted as off limits.  His was the biggest mass shooting in American history.  Until today.

Fourteen? Fifteen? Going once, going twice.  Sold, to the next crazy who wants to be famous. No one is safe, until we run out of gun free zones.

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